Cine suntem


Ne dorim tot ce e mai bun pentru copii si consideram ca educatia timpurie este cea mai importanta etapa in dezvoltarea fiecarui copil. Am creat o programa si un cadru care se axeaza pe dezvoltarea emotioanala a copiilor, pe stimularea inovativitatii lor, cu activitati diverse si variate.

Implicam copiii in ceea ce facem, ne bazam pe respect reciproc in relatia cu parintii si copii si ii ajutam sa le creasca stima de sine, sa devina autonomi si independenti, sa se dezvolte.

Bilingual preschool education

At Step Up we speak English and Romanian. Our methodology is based on modern interactive techniques focused on children. We support this through unique educational materials and activities, preparing children for the next journey: school.

Childcare is an Helen Doron English partner and we use the best in class English language teaching methodology for all of our children.


We combine the Romanian pedagogic principles with alternatives pedagogical methods in order to bring up to live the best approach for your children development.

Romanian Curricula: The planned activities are following the educational ministry agenda and incorporates all the development milestones for the specific children’s age. We achieve this through games, exploration leading and preparing the children for self learning when they will go to school.